PETROLEUM (पेट्रोलियम) Petrol At some places in nature, a thick, viscous and dark colored liquid is found under the rock, which mainly contains aliphatic hydrocarbons up to C 1 to C 40 , this fluid is called refined oil or petroleum. The word petroleum is derived from the Latin words petra and olium which is found under rocks within the earth, hence it is also called mineral oil. Within the earth, this fluid floats above the salt solution. A gas atmosphere exists along with the floating petroleum inside the Earth, which is called natural gas. Petroleum is also called liquid gold. In the present era, this fluid is more valuable than gold for any nation. The progress of any nation depends to a large extent on how much petroleum it has. Its use is very important in various tasks like agricultural industry, traffic communication etc. This oil is found in the highest amount in the United States. Russia Venezuela is also found in greater quantities in Mexico, Burma etc. ...
Canal Rays and Discovery of Proton
कैनाल किरणें और प्रोटॉन की खोज
Canal Rays and Discovery of Proton |
Canal Rays:
The use of wine (1897) proved that the canal rays are made of concentrated particles. JJ Thomson named these rays 'Dhan Rays' because these rays are made of corona particles.Properties of wealth rays
(1) Canal rays move in a straight line.(2) These rays are disrupted in magnetic and electric fields. Their turning direction is opposite to cathode rays.
(3) Canal rays affect the photographic plate.
(4) These rays emit a very thin foil of metal and rins them. Their capacity is less than that of cathode rays.
(5) Rays of light and fluorescence and Can produce phosphorescence
(6) The velocity of these rays is less than the velocity of cathode rays.
Nature of Canal rays
Tamson and wine studied the nature of wealth rays and proved by experiments that-
1. Canal rays are made of charged particles.2. The ratio of the charge (e) and the mass (m) for the grains of wealth, (e / m) depends on the nature of the gas present in the immersion tube. The value of e / m for the particles of money obtained from different gases varies. The value for money rays is not universal determinant (constant). Tamson and wine told by experiment that the highest value of e / m is the amount of hydrogen gas particles of rays.
Experiments showed that for the precious particle (H) of the beam of hydrogen gas,
e / m = 9.579 * 10 to the power 4
If we assume that the charge of this particle (e) is 1.602177 * 10 to the power-19 coupling unit, then the mass of this particle will be 1.67296 * 10 to the power -24 grams.
The particulate matter of the hydrogen gas, which is 1.602177 * 10 to the power-19 kualam corona, and whose mass is 1.67296 * 10 to the power grams, proton says.
Alpha Particles
Alpha Particle |
The proton mass is approximately 1836 times the mass of the electron. The mass of hydrogen atom is about 1837 times more than the mass of the electron, so we can say that the mass of the proton is almost equal to the mass of hydrogen atom.
All nuclear electrons are neutral, because atoms are equal to the number of credit and corpus units. Hydrogen atoms contain only one electron and one proton. When the electron gets out of the hydrogen atom then the unit remains a proton remaining, whose mass is approximately equal to the weight of the hydrogen atom.
H → H (+ ion) + e-ion
Rutherford studied the effect of alpha-particles on nitrogen gas in 1919. They discovered that nitrogen atoms are converted into atoms of oxygen and the protons are emitted when fierce alpha-particle flows into nitrogen gas.
N + He → O + H
By the use of this experiment and many other nuclear reactions, it is known that protons are present in the atoms of all the elements. Hence the proton similar to the electron is also the basic particle of matter.